Athentech Perfectly Clear v3.7.0.1582 WorkBench / Essentials / Complete-P2P
Description: Perfectly Clear Workbench is an application that uses Athentech’s Perfectly Clear image correction libraries and is made available to demonstrate the capabilities of the Perfectly Clear processing libraries, face detection library and to allow a quick export of the processing settings for use.
One of the key features in Workbench is the ability to “export to API” when saving a Preset. This allows you to make image corrections in Workbench and tune the settings to match your style and correction needs. Then, you can quickly export these settings to a text file – ready to be copy / pasted into your source code with our image correction SDK.
Perfectly Clear requires RGB-formatted images in either 8 or 16-bit color depth. Any image file that Photoshop or Lightroom can open and convert to this format may be used in Perfectly Clear. Monochrome and CMYK images must be converted to RGB before using Perfectly Clear. RAW files must be opened through Adobe Camera RAW and loaded into Photoshop to be accessible to Perfectly Clear.
Release Name: Athentech Perfectly Clear v3.7.0.1582 WorkBench / Essentials / Complete-P2P
Links: HOMEPAGE – NFO – Torrent Search
Size: 44 MB/73 MB/73 MB
Download Essentials: UPLOADGiG – NiTROFLARE – RAPiDGATOR