EssentialPIM Pro Business v8.15 Multilingual-P2P
Description: The Business edition has all the features of EssentialPIM Pro but adds powerful network capabilities for workgroups. You already have all the infrastructure needed to run EssentialPIM Pro Business – it does not require dedicated hardware.
Business Edition Features:
- EssentialPIM Pro Business runs on an industry standard database Firebird, ensuring integrity, security and adherence to open standards. Key features include:
- Easy installation which takes 10 minutes or less to set up
- No need for a dedicated server – EssentialPIM Pro Business Server can run on virtually any machine, and on any version of Windows, most Linux operating systems and MacOS X
- All features of EssentialPIM Pro available to Business users
- Easy sharing of calendars, contacts, tasks, password entries and notes
- Ability to work on the road and synchronize with the EPIM server later, to make all new data available to other users
- Unlimited number of users
- Flexible hierarchy of user rights, including read-only, and eyes-only items
Release Name: EssentialPIM Pro Business v8.15 Multilingual-P2P
Size: 44 MB
Links: HOMEPAGE – NFO – Torrent Search