Mirror Mirror UK S02E12 WEB h264-TVC
Season 2, Episode 12 –
In Inverness, psychic multidimensional healer Rachel-Jane and friend Angela chat about Angela’s love for a spooky castle. Meanwhile in Motherwell, The Singing Barber Ian and client Zander think being Scottish can be a hilarious contradiction. In Rutherglen, former beauty queen Abbie tells Cheryl about her life as the Scottish Disneyland princess. Brad and Lorraine admit the vegan lifestyle isn’t for them, despite it being a much healthier option. Cheryl and April in Rutherglen discuss whether it is ok or not to Netflix and chill with a new partner, whilst Ian and Euan in Motherwell agree that having a girlfriend that likes to play computer games is a foundation for a good relationship. The show ends in Inverness with Rachel-Jane and Angela, who shares the heartbreaking story of her miscarriage.
Links: HOMEPAGE – TV.com
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